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A quality of a hotel manager wanted to know how to generate a flowchart for the complaints of customers. A flowchart is a diagram indicating the steps to be followed whenever a client complains (in this case). For example: 1 – the customer complains, 2 – containment actions, apply 3 – register the complaint, etc. And as it is true that, when a customer complains, called our attention and even makes us nervous, it is very necessary to give an effective treatment to all claims. You can not leave them adrift of what comes to you ask who is currently in front of the customer. Each claim should go along a specific path that you drive to regain the confidence of the customer. This is the main objective that you have before a claim: recover customer confidence.

Because if the customer complained, it is because you are not satisfied, but it’s giving you the valuable opportunity that you mend this lack. Here are the key aspects that must include your flowchart of complaints to achieve this goal: 1. containment action 2 Compensation 3. Analysis of causes 4. Preventive actions are going to delve into each one to understand its importance. Containment action is a measure that should be taken immediately, with the goal of minimizing the nuisance which the client currently has. As when a child falls, the first thing we do is lift and comfort him. Then we will see how to treat his wound.

Thus, if the customer complains that she cannot sleep by outside noise that there is, we must try to undo that noise immediately. Then, find a remedy. The customer had an annoyance, now no longer something that pays the initial discomfort has it most thanks to the action of containment, but to pay off our debt, we must offer. Time which could not sleep now can not get back it.