Tag literature

Natural Sciences

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A lyric poet who confesses its love, express a conception of the reality of its passional state; an economist who, for example, displays its ideas regarding the Brazilian economy, express its conception of our economic reality; … (Blackberry, p.50-51, 2006) Following the Blackberry thought, must be known, in first place, that the literary composition transmits a conception subjective of the reality. One understands for subjective what he is only of an individual in relation to one determined subject. History ' ' Blond of the car of glasses pretos' ' , collated with this affirmation, literature could not be considered, therefore it does not possess subjectivity in its context; but, the text if incases in the characteristics of a type of literature: verbal literature – as we saw previously. Following in search to distinguish literature from not literature, according to Blackberry: …

2 – We must, after that, to establish that, it has two types of conception of the reality: intuitiva and individual conception, and the rational and universal conception. The intuitiva and individual conception is the way that each one of us has to feel itself exactly and to see the reality external (real or imaginary); the rational and universal conception is the way as intelligence human being, working according to specific, proper rules of each branch of Sciences Human beings and of Natural Sciences, it interprets the psychological or physical reality; … (Blackberry, p.50-51, 2006) Now, fits we will understand that the difference enters the two types of conception of the reality is what it differentiates the literature of not-literature. For Blackberry, the intuitiva and individual conception is the form of the author to write on definitive subjects being expressed its only way to interpret the facts. In history ' ' Blond of the car of glasses pretos' ' , the author tells using its rational and universal conception, expressing a form to think common, similar to the one of many people in reaction to the facts.

Portuguese Block

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Macunama of Mrio de Andrade is to clear report in the expressions way used in the century XIX, with words in the language of the tribe Tapanhumas and Juca Pirama of in an epic poem that brings in to her language lyrical European lines, that even with the characteristic of nationalist indianista will be the language an Indian europeizado Brazilian is noticed. The changes contained in the language inside of those two authors in relationship the great works of the Brazilian literature will be analyzed deeply in this article. WORD-KEY: Romanticism. Modernism. Language.

1 Academic of VI the Portuguese Block of Letters of the UESPI and Pedagoga for the FAP. INTRODUCTION: The present article is a critical analysis of the language and the culture of two distinct times and goes off of the Brazilian society. The studied generations, exactly having as main focus the strong nationalism, deal with it different forms, concomitantly following its molds, being the same boarded nationalism at two moments but with total divergent vises. The marcante presence of the indian, while first inhabitant of Brazil and its culture will serve of parameter stop all the quarrel here proposal. For even more opinions, read materials from Michael Chabon. The Romantismo, still without identity and criticidade, characterizes its national hero, the indian, as the European model of medieval knight, giving to the Brazilian indian esteretipo of bravery and extraordinary force, what it distorts the effective reality at that time, being the composed society for whites, indians and blacks, these discriminated and considered beings without soul, this being well-known in just independent Brazil, then the indian for not having more options of a total Brazilian people exaltava itself, since with the recent conquest of Brazilian independence the Portuguese people was not cyst well this way, the black occupied the platform lowest of the social life and being enslaved he did not have could be homaged, sobraram the indian to it, for the exclamaes and exhortations of a national hero, thus one became, had become the Brazilian, wild indian, the center of its literary compositions known beyond sea.

Second World War, Skorzeny Documentary

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Skorzenys secret company Griffin in Hitler’s Ardennes offensive, 1944/45 in the presentation arrived it the author not to add just another book to the many publications of the Ardennes offensive. On the contrary, emphasis of this work is not the comprehensive overview of the history of the fighting around the turn of the year 1944/45, but it shows some striking things in the planning, preparation and execution of the offensive, why not a success from the outset this last great battle even command of Hitler in the West could be granted. This is particularly clear in the statement of the American Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Tompson. This, comparing the backgrounds of the offensive as a spokesman for “Radio Luxembourg”, on the morning of December 17, 1944 – so on the second day of the fighting – ‘with the Act of a man of who wants to shoot someone with a gun, in whose possession he only can sit, by he first kills the man who owns the gun.’ In addition to the representation of ‘some aspects’ to fail the Ardennes offensive, deals in the author with the ‘secret corporate gripping’ under the leadership of the SS – Obersturmbannfuhrer Skorzeny. With the veil of mystery of the company by Hitler himself conceived will be revealed documentary accurately and with the aid of many previously unknown source material for the first time in its entirety, which in previous descriptions only in snippets, it often also tendentious and incorrect has been reported. Company Griffin, German soldiers, when Americans dressed and equipped with loot vehicles, should coup-like take bridges over the Maas River and keep open for the following armoured divisions, the 6th Panzer army.

In many details – starting from the idea of Hitler and his personal order to Skorzeny, about the difficulties in setting up and training the ‘Panzerbrigade 150’ to the unsuccessful use of forces of this troop formation from Malmedy on 20 / 21.12.1944 – is reported on the events in this book. Wide space is also the Activities by Skorzenys command company dedicated to, gave rise to speculation and misrepresentations often just this special unit in previous releases. The depiction of the events at the end of the part of the 1947 held war crimes trial of Skorzeny and nine other defendants of the ‘command company Griffin’ can be seen. The statements made in the book are examined on the basis of unpublished almost 800 pages of process documents again, it will be analysed and assess. SADI, Michael: Between Knight’s Cross and gallows Skorzenys secret company Griffin in Hitler’s Ardennes offensive 1944/45 220 pages, 252 photos, illustrations, maps, 23 x 28 cm order at Amazon tied, possible: between Knight’s Cross and the gallows

Polish State Publishing House

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The Bellona-Verlag, former Polish State Publishing House, publishes the successful title by Michael Schade was “Between Knight’s Cross and gallows” as the license issue for the Polish market this year. The author manages to present the background of the secret operation in 1944 during the Ardennes offensive “Greif” on the basis of new materials. What did not on the author, add the many publications about the bulge just another book. On the contrary, emphasis of this work is not the comprehensive overview of the history of the fighting around the turn of the year 1944/45, but it shows some striking things in the planning, preparation and execution of the offensive, why not a success from the outset this last great battle even command of Hitler in the West could be granted. In addition to the representation of ‘some aspects’ to the failure of the Ardennes offensive, the author deals in-depth with the ‘secret corporate gripping’ under the leadership of the SS – Obersturmbannfuhrer Skorzeny. In this case is documented exactly and with the aid of many previously unknown source material for the first time of the veil of mystery of Hitler of by conceived company in its entirety revealed that in previous descriptions only in snippets, it often also tendentious and incorrect has been reported.

Company Griffin, German soldiers, when Americans dressed and equipped with loot vehicles, should coup-like take bridges over the Maas River and keep open for the following armoured divisions, the 6th Panzer army. In many details – starting from the idea of Hitler and his personal order to Skorzeny, about the difficulties in setting up and training the ‘Panzerbrigade 150’ to the unsuccessful use of forces of this troop formation from Malmedy on 20 / 21.12.1944 – is reported on the events in this book. Devotes considerable space is devoted to the activities also by Skorzenys command company, because in previous releases, just this special unit often gave rise to speculation and Misrepresentations. The depiction of the events at the end of the part of the 1947 held war crimes trial of Skorzeny and nine other defendants of the ‘command company Griffin’ can be seen. The statements made in the book are examined on the basis of unpublished almost 800 pages of process documents again, it will be analysed and assess.